教宗方济各在 2025 年禧年之前推出新的听众,专注于 “耶稣基督,我们的希望”。 Pope Francis launches new audiences focusing on "Jesus Christ Our Hope" ahead of 2025 jubilee.
教皇弗朗西斯(Pope Francis)以“耶稣基督, 我们的希望”为主题, 发起一系列新的星期三观众, Pope Francis launched a new series of Wednesday audiences centered on the theme "Jesus Christ Our Hope" in preparation for the 2025 jubilee year. 他强调了《马修福音》中耶稣的宗谱,指出它包括了异教徒妇女,作为耶稣对所有人民的使命的象征。 He emphasized Jesus' genealogy from the Gospel of Matthew, noting its inclusion of Gentile women as a symbol of Jesus' mission to all peoples. 教皇弗朗西斯鼓励对自己的遗产和对和平与希望的承诺表示感谢,圣彼得巴西利卡的圣门定于12月24日开放。 Pope Francis encourages gratitude for one's heritage and commitment to peace and hope, as the Holy Door in St. Peter's Basilica is set to open on December 24.