巴基斯坦部长赞美沙特安全学院, 讨论教育交流与护照安全。 Pakistani minister lauds Saudi security college, discusses educational exchanges and passport security.
巴基斯坦内政部长Mohsin Naqvi赞扬了利雅得法赫德国王安全学院的高等教育标准,特别是其在AI、领导和安全研究方面的硕士课程。 Pakistani Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi praised the King Fahd Security College in Riyadh for its advanced educational standards, especially its Master’s programs in AI, leadership, and security studies. 他讨论了针对两国毕业生的潜在交流方案和培训课程,强调了学院在现代安全教育和双边合作中的作用。 He discussed potential exchange programs and training courses for graduates from both countries, highlighting the college's role in modern security education and bilateral cooperation. Naqvi部长还会见了沙特官员,讨论改进护照服务和防止伪造问题。 Minister Naqvi also met with Saudi officials to discuss improving passport services and preventing forgery.