巴基斯坦批准《刑事诉讼法》改革,旨在使法律程序现代化并提高透明度。 Pakistan approves reforms to Criminal Procedure Code, aiming to modernize legal processes and enhance transparency.
巴基斯坦内阁已批准对殖民时代的《刑事诉讼法》进行重大修正,旨在使法律制度现代化。 Pakistan's cabinet has approved significant amendments to the colonial-era Criminal Procedure Code, aiming to modernize the legal system. 关键的变化包括简化FIR登记,允许有视听的证人陈述,并规定一年的审判期限。 Key changes include simplifying FIR registration, allowing audio-video witness statements, and setting a one-year deadline for trials. 内阁还批准在奎达设立一个知识产权法庭以及一个新的国家登记和生物计量政策框架。 The cabinet also approved the establishment of an Intellectual Property Tribunal in Quetta and a new National Registration and Biometric Policy Framework. 这些改革旨在加快法律程序和提高透明度。 These reforms seek to expedite legal processes and enhance transparency.