非营利组织通过交换自愿飞行时间,帮助军人回家放假。 Nonprofits help military service members fly home for holidays by trading volunteer hours for flights.
Maureen Byrne创办的非营利组织“Miles for Miles for Miles for Mile for Mile for Mile”, 帮助现役军人以自愿飞行时间交换飞行时间, 回家度假。 Miles for Military, a nonprofit founded by Maureen Byrne, helps active-duty service members fly home for holidays by trading their volunteer hours for flights. 最近,他们协助美国海军陆战队 下士布赖森·福塞尔 从北卡罗来纳州飞往凤凰城 Recently, they assisted U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Bryson Fussell in flying from North Carolina to Phoenix. 另一个非营利组织,由拜伦·戴维斯领导的“H.O.M.E.行动”帮助美国海军军人瑞安·波布莱特从关岛返回肯塔基的家属过圣诞节。 Another nonprofit, Operation H.O.M.E., led by Byron Davis, helped U.S. Navy serviceman Ryan Boblett return to his family in Kentucky from Guam for Christmas. 这两个组织依靠捐款为其特派团提供资金。 Both organizations rely on donations to fund their missions.