密歇根州警察局调查一起杀人案;嫌犯在印第安纳州被捕,正面临指控。 Michigan State Police investigate a homicide; suspect arrested in Indiana, facing charges.
密歇根州警方正在调查12月14日在密歇根州哈特福德镇发生的一起凶杀案。 Michigan State Police are investigating a homicide that occurred on December 14 in Hartford Township, Michigan. 一名35岁的Watervliet男子被发现死亡,据信是在与一名31岁的South Bend男子发生身体争吵时被射杀的。 A 35-year-old Watervliet man was found dead, believed to have been shot during a physical altercation with a 31-year-old South Bend man. 嫌犯不到12小时后在印第安纳州韦恩堡被捕,正在等待引渡到密歇根。 The suspect was arrested less than 12 hours later in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and is awaiting extradition to Michigan. 他面临包括杀人和违反武器规定在内的指控。 He faces charges including homicide and weapons violations. 当局称这是一个孤立的事件,没有威胁公众。 Authorities have stated this was an isolated incident with no threat to the public.