医疗候选人可以辞去NEET PG席位,直到12月26日;卡纳塔卡释放第二轮咨询时间表。 Medical candidates can resign NEET PG seats until Dec. 26; Karnataka releases Round 2 counselling schedule.
医疗咨询委员会允许在NEET PG第1轮和第2轮获得席位的候选人通过自己的网站Mcc.nic.in辞职,直到2024年12月26日。 The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) allows candidates who received seats in NEET PG Rounds 1 and 2 to resign through their website, mcc.nic.in, until December 26, 2024. 候选人必须亲自到分配的学院报到,并确保在网上发出辞职信。 Candidates must physically report to their allotted college and ensure a resignation letter is generated online. 管理协委会还开放了Mcc内部门户,让参与PG机构为第3轮咨询提供额外席位。 The MCC also opened its intramcc portal for participating PG institutes to contribute additional seats for Round 3 of counselling. 与此同时,卡纳塔克邦考试局 (KEA) 发布了第二轮咨询时间表,临时名额分配定于 12 月 19 日,最终结果定于 12 月 20 日。 Meanwhile, the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released its Round 2 counselling schedule, with the provisional seat allotment set for December 19 and the final result on December 20.