MARTA面包车司机受伤,在亚特兰大被一辆汽车击中后,汽车撞入墙壁。 MARTA van driver injured, vehicle crashes into wall after being hit by a car in Atlanta.
在一辆面包车被一辆汽车撞到亚特兰大SE纪念车墙上后,一辆MARTA机动车司机受伤。 A MARTA mobility van driver was injured after the van was hit by a car and crashed into a wall on Memorial Drive SE in Atlanta. 这辆面包车没有乘客,司机被送往医院,尽管没有关于重伤的报告。 The van had no passengers and the driver was taken to the hospital, though no critical injuries were reported. 该公路因事故而关闭,亚特兰大警方正在对该事故进行调查。 The road was closed due to the accident, which is under investigation by Atlanta police.