Majid Alibadi在墨尔本面临纵火和偷车案的审判,被控参与争夺非法烟草的地盘战争。 Majid Alibadi faces trial for arson and car thefts in Melbourne, accused of involvement in a turf war over illegal tobacco.
25岁的Majid Alibadi将在维多利亚州法院接受审判,罪名包括纵火和处理犯罪收益,被控在2023年9月至3月期间在墨尔本策划火爆炸和偷车。 Majid Alibadi, 25, will stand trial in the Victorian County Court on charges including arson and dealing with proceeds of crime, accused of orchestrating firebombings and car thefts in Melbourne from September 2023 to March. Alibadi对22项指控没有认罪, 警方指控他在Kazem“Kaz”Hamad手下工作, 参与非法烟草交易的地盘战争。 Alibadi entered not guilty pleas to 22 charges, with police alleging he worked under Kazem "Kaz" Hamad, involved in a turf war over illegal tobacco trade. 审判定于2月进行,Alibadi根据电子监测和报告条件保释。 The trial is set for February, with Alibadi on bail under electronic monitoring and reporting conditions.