执法部门调查内华达州明登的谋杀-自杀嫌疑案件,其中一人死亡,另一人住院。 Law enforcement investigates suspected murder-suicide in Minden, Nevada, where one is dead and another hospitalized.
在内华达州明登 执法部门正在调查一起谋杀自杀嫌疑案 In Minden, Nevada, law enforcement is investigating a suspected murder-suicide. 12月16日, 议员发现63岁的Kathy Jean Weiland因枪伤死亡, On December 16, deputies found 63-year-old Kathy Jean Weiland dead from a gunshot wound and Gregory Raymond Ward, also 63, critically injured and hospitalized. 据信沃德在试图自杀之前射杀了韦兰德. Ward is believed to have shot Weiland before attempting suicide. Dan Coverley警长证实,随着调查的继续,社区没有任何威胁。 Sheriff Dan Coverley confirmed there is no threat to the community as the investigation continues.