“Jurassic World Rebirth”,定于2025年7月出版, 重点是家庭营救和拯救生命的恐龙发现。 "Jurassic World Rebirth," set for July 2025, focuses on a family's rescue and a life-saving dinosaur discovery.
Gareth Edwards和主演Scarlett Johansson、Mahershala Ali和Jonathan Bailey的导演Gareth Edwards导演“Jurassic World Rebirth”, “Jurassic World Rebirth”,旨在夺回侏罗纪公园的原魔法。 "Jurassic World Rebirth," directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali, and Jonathan Bailey, aims to recapture the original Jurassic Park magic. 电影将于2025年7月2日上映,重点是悬疑和生存,而不是特殊效果,剧情涉及一个平民家庭的救援和从三只巨大的恐龙身上发现一种救命药物. Set for release on July 2, 2025, the film emphasizes suspense and survival over special effects, with a plot involving a civilian family's rescue and the discovery of a life-saving drug from three massive dinosaurs. 原作者David Koepp 返回到脚本上。 Original writer David Koepp returns to pen the script.