约翰·泰特因在都柏林暴动期间焚烧卢亚斯车辆而面临起火指控. John Tate faces arson charges for setting fire to a Luas vehicle during riots in Dublin.
John Tate,62岁,都柏林居民,出庭受审,被控在2023年11月23日骚乱期间纵火焚烧Luas汽车,纵火和阻塞交通。 John Tate, a 62-year-old Dublin resident, appeared in court facing charges including arson and obstructing traffic for setting a Luas vehicle on fire during riots on November 23, 2023. Elva Duffy法官将该案延期至2024年2月25日,要求传讯,Tate继续保释。 Judge Elva Duffy adjourned the case until February 25, 2024, for arraignment, with Tate on continuing bail. 塔特将决定是否认罪或请求在下一次听讯时确定审判日期。 Tate will decide whether to plead guilty or request a trial date at the next hearing.