印度外交官和人物敦促孟加拉国保护少数民族并与印度保持友好关系。 Indian diplomats and figures urge Bangladesh to protect minorities and maintain friendly ties with India.
前印度特使韦纳·西克里和685名其他知名印度人向孟加拉国写了一封公开信,敦促该国维持和平与友谊。 Former Indian envoy Veena Sikri and 685 other prominent Indians have penned an open letter to Bangladesh, urging the country to maintain peace and friendship. 该信对针对少数群体的袭击表示关切,呼吁停止反印度运动。 The letter expresses concern over attacks on minorities and calls for an end to anti-India campaigns. 安理会强调两国建立密切的合作关系的重要性,强调过去协作和相互理解的益处。 It emphasizes the importance of a close, cooperative relationship between the two countries, highlighting the benefits of past collaborations and mutual understanding.