香港发射场更新了Centricity App 2.0, 以改善对办公室租户的服务与参与。 Hongkong Land launches updated Centricity App 2.0 to improve services and engagement for office tenants.
Hongkong Land已推出Centricity App 2.0, 这是香港中央房地产的办公室租户和工作人员的最新数字平台。 Hongkong Land has unveiled Centricity App 2.0, an updated digital platform for office tenants and staff in its Central properties in Hong Kong. 该应用程序具有个性化的主页、更便捷地获得服务以及诸如实时运输更新等新功能。 The app features a personalized homepage, quicker access to services, and new functionalities like real-time transport updates. 为纪念该平台成立五周年而启动的Centricity App 2.0旨在通过提供量身定制的特权和活动,提高用户经验和社区参与。 Launched to mark the platform’s fifth anniversary, Centricity App 2.0 aims to enhance user experience and community engagement by offering tailored privileges and events.