Fontaines D. C. 的Grian Chatten在都柏林的舞台上加入了Pogues, 参加已故的Shane MacGowan的演出。 Fontaines D.C.'s Grian Chatten joined The Pogues on stage in Dublin, filling in for the late Shane MacGowan.
Fontaines D. C. 的前卫Grian Chatten在都柏林的舞台上加入了Pogues, 参加第40届首发专辑的首映音乐会。 Fontaines D.C.'s frontman Grian Chatten joined The Pogues on stage in Dublin for their 40th-anniversary concert of their debut album. Chatten 代替已故的 Shane MacGowan 表演了“Streams of Whiskey”。 Chatten performed "Streams of Whiskey" in place of the late Shane MacGowan. 波格人计划在2025年进行英国巡演 这是麦克戈万2023年死后他们第一次巡演 The Pogues plan a U.K. tour in 2025, their first since MacGowan's death in 2023. Fontaines D. C. 也将在明年巡演, 支持他们的新专辑, Fontaines D.C. will also tour next year to support their new album, 'Romance'.