林业发展局规定许多药品上贴有自杀警告标签,使病人的决定复杂化。 FDA mandates suicide warning labels on many medications, complicating patient decisions.
许多药物现在都对潜在的自杀想法提出警告,引起使用者的关切。 Many medications now come with warnings about potential suicidal thoughts, raising concerns among users. 食品和药物管理局要求在包装插件和广告上发出警告,尽管它们的存在并不总是表明确实存在风险。 The FDA requires such warnings on package inserts and ads, though their presence doesn't always indicate definitive risk. 2019年的一项研究发现,某些药物,如鸦片制剂组合和抗抑郁剂,可能增加或减少自杀风险,但这些发现是复杂的。 A 2019 study found that while certain drugs like opiate combinations and antidepressants can increase or decrease suicide risk, these findings are complex. 该条强调卫生保健提供者和病人之间就潜在的副作用进行明确沟通的重要性。 The article stresses the importance of clear communication between healthcare providers and patients about potential side effects. 自杀与危机生命线(988)为那些挣扎的人提供支持。 For those struggling, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988) offers support.