Derby学校董事会以对Trump的偏见为由,拒绝新的400K社会研究课程。 Derby school board rejects new $400K social studies curriculum, citing bias against Trump.
堪萨斯州德比学校董事会以对前总统特朗普的偏见为由,否决了Houghton Mifflin Harcourt的高中社会研究课程。 The Derby, Kansas school board rejected a high school social studies curriculum from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, citing bias against former President Trump. 新保守多数派委员会投票否决了400 000美元合同,对出版商的反种族主义言论表示关切,并声称材料不能公平代表特朗普总统。 The $400,000 contract was voted down by the newly conservative-majority board, which expressed concerns over the publisher's anti-racism statements and claims that materials did not fairly represent Trump's presidency. 教师们在审查了六种选择之后推荐了课程。 Teachers had recommended the curriculum after reviewing six options.