《独角兽之死》明星Paul Rudd和Jenna Ortega 在2025年春首映的关于杀死独角兽的黑暗喜剧中 "Death of a Unicorn" stars Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega in a dark comedy about killing a unicorn, premiering spring 2025.
"独角兽之死"将于2025年春季上映, 主演保罗·拉德和珍娜·奥尔特加. "Death of a Unicorn," set to release in spring 2025, stars Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega. 这部黑色喜剧由亚历克斯·沙夫曼 (Alex Scharfman) 执导,讲述了一对父女意外杀死了一只独角兽,当一位亿万富翁老板试图利用其治愈能力时,导致了危险的局面。 Directed by Alex Scharfman, the dark comedy involves a father and daughter who accidentally kill a unicorn, leading to a dangerous situation when a billionaire boss tries to exploit its healing powers. 影片由A24制片人John Carpenter制作。 The film features a score by John Carpenter and is produced by A24. 其他演员包括Richard E. Grant和Téa Leoni。 Other cast members include Richard E. Grant and Téa Leoni.