加州的野生松鼠正在捕猎和吃猎物, 挑战他们作为食草动物的观点。 California ground squirrels are hunting and eating voles, challenging views of them as herbivores.
最近的一项研究表明,加利福尼亚的地面松鼠正在狩猎和食用活性动物,对松鼠作为严格食草动物的观点提出了质疑。 A recent study has shown that California ground squirrels are hunting and eating voles, challenging the view of squirrels as strictly herbivores. 研究人员观察到 42% 的松鼠主动捕食小型啮齿动物的互动,尤其是当田鼠数量增加时。 Researchers observed 42% of interactions where squirrels actively hunted the small rodents, especially when vole numbers increased. 这一行为表明松鼠比以前想象的更适应性强,在不断变化的环境中可能蓬勃发展。 This behavior suggests squirrels are more adaptable than previously thought, potentially thriving in changing environments.