BRS领导人Kavitha指控Telangana政府在Musi River项目上欺骗公众。 BRS leader K Kavitha accuses Telangana government of deceiving the public over Musi River project.
BRS领导人Kavitha指控Telangana政府误导公众了解穆西河美化计划。 BRS leader K Kavitha accused the Telangana government of misleading the public about the Musi River beautification project. 她声称政府申请世界银行提供大额贷款,但没有适当的项目细节,并可能误导公众,目的是为商业发展而迁离数以千计的家庭。 She claimed the government applied for a large World Bank loan without proper project details and potentially misled the public, aiming to displace thousands of families for commercial development. Kavitha强调透明度的必要性,并威胁说,如果不披露细节,将提出特权动议。 Kavitha emphasized the need for transparency and threatened to file a privilege motion if details are not disclosed.