Ayodele Casel的“踢踏舞者日记”首映,探索她的身份和踢踏舞的历史。 Ayodele Casel's "Diary of a Tap Dancer" premieres, exploring her identity and the history of tap dance.
艾奥德莱·卡塞尔的"跳舞者的日记",在美国剧院的世界首演,讲述了她作为黑人和波多黎各跳舞者的故事. Ayodele Casel's "Diary of a Tap Dancer," a world premiere at American Repertory Theater, tells her story as a Black and Puerto Rican tap dancer. 节目探索她的身份和自舞史, 重点是女性和有色人种的贡献。 The show explores her identity and the history of tap dance, focusing on the contributions of women and people of color. 在她妻子Torya Beard的指挥下,制作工作是一个多代制的演员,并因其讲故事和编舞受到赞扬。 Directed by her wife Torya Beard, the production features a multigenerational cast and has been praised for its engaging storytelling and choreography. Casel从她在布朗克斯和波多黎各的成长过程, 一直持续到1月4日, 它突显了Casel从她成长到在踢踏舞中作为著名人物的角色的旅程。 Running until January 4th, it highlights Casel's journey from her upbringing in the Bronx and Puerto Rico to her role as a prominent figure in tap dance.