陆军兽医韦恩·霍伊在他的萨克斯风上演奏圣诞歌曲,为在亚特兰大推迟的飞行欢呼。 Army vet Wayne Hoey played Christmas songs on his saxophone, cheering up a delayed flight in Atlanta.
陆军老兵韦恩·霍伊在亚特兰大延后飞行时,通过在他的萨克斯风上播放圣诞歌曲,带来了节日欢呼声。 Army veteran Wayne Hoey brought holiday cheer to a delayed flight in Atlanta by playing Christmas songs on his saxophone. 霍伊随身携带乐器, 用"圣诞节快乐"和"鱼宝贝"等歌曲, 娱乐乘客, 包括不安的孩子. Carrying his instrument everywhere, Hoey entertained passengers, including restless children, with tunes like "Holly Jolly Christmas" and "Baby Shark." 他的即兴表演被拍成视频并在网上疯传,赢得了达美航空的好评,温暖了旅客的心。 His impromptu performance was captured on video and went viral, earning praise from Delta Air Lines and warming the hearts of travelers.