Aaron Johnson因盗窃Waycona小学的圣诞礼物和个人物品而被捕。 Aaron Johnson arrested for stealing Christmas gifts and personal items from Waycona Elementary School.
Aaron Johnson因闯入乔治亚州Waycona小学以及偷学生圣诞礼物和教师个人物品而被捕。 Aaron Johnson was arrested for breaking into Waycona Elementary School in Waycross, Georgia, and stealing students' Christmas gifts and teachers' personal belongings. 偷窃期间七扇门窗被打破。 Seven door windows were broken during the theft. Ware县学校区已经收回并归还了所有被盗物品,Ware县治安官办公室正在进行调查。 The Ware County School District has recovered and returned all stolen items, and the investigation by the Ware County Sheriff's Office is ongoing. 这起事件震惊了社区。 The incident has shocked the community.