YouTube测试iOS上创作者语音回复功能,允许对评论作出音频回复。 YouTube tests voice reply feature for creators on iOS, allowing audio responses to comments.
YouTube正在其iOS应用程序上测试一些创作者的语音回复功能, 让他们用音频信息而非文字回应评论。 YouTube is testing a voice reply feature for some creators on its iOS app, letting them respond to comments with audio messages instead of text. 其目的是加深创作者及其受众之间的联系。 This aims to deepen connections between creators and their audiences. 目前,只有iOS用户才能在创作者通过声波图标访问的视频上记录和张贴这些语音回复。 Currently, only iOS users can record and post these voice replies on creators' videos, accessed via a sound wave icon. 该功能的未来推出尚不确定。 The feature's future rollout is uncertain.