Winnebago县潜水队从Little Lake Butte Des Morts找到一辆车,车上有一具尸体。 Winnebago County Dive Team recovered a vehicle with a deceased body from Little Lake Butte Des Morts.
温尼巴戈县警长的潜水队 从梅纳沙附近的小湖 Butte Des Morts 找到了一辆载有一具尸体的车辆 The Winnebago County Sheriff's Dive Team has recovered a vehicle containing a deceased body from Little Lake Butte Des Morts near Menasha. 执法和应急服务,包括拖车和残骸车,都出现在第九街汽艇发射现场。 Law enforcement and emergency services, including a tow truck and wrecker, were on the scene at the 9th Street boat launch. 调查仍在进行中,进一步的细节正在保密。 The investigation is ongoing, and further details are being withheld.