由于安全风险,温哥华建议拆除一座115岁、结构不健全的建筑物。 Vancouver recommends demolishing a 115-year-old, structurally unsound building due to safety risks.
温哥华市议会建议拆除位于500 Dunsmuir街的一座破旧115年的建筑, Vancouver's City Council has recommended the demolition of a dilapidated 115-year-old building at 500 Dunsmuir Street due to severe structural damage posing a public safety risk. 该大楼自2013年以来空置,多年来一直受到忽视,并被首席建筑官员认为不安全。 The building, vacant since 2013, has suffered from years of neglect and has been deemed unsafe by the Chief Building Official. 如果不在21天内拆除,该市将采取行动,并收取业主Holborn Property的费用。 If not demolished within 21 days, the city will take action and charge the owner, Holborn Properties, for the costs.