英国FCA提出新的加密条例,以提高透明度和保护消费者。 UK's FCA proposes new crypto regulations to boost transparency and protect consumers.
联合王国财务行为管理局(金融行为管理局)发起了关于新的加密条例的协商,目的是提高透明度和保护消费者。 The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched a consultation on new crypto regulations aimed at enhancing transparency and protecting consumers. 拟议的规则包括更严格地接受和披露、市场滥用措施和禁止公共加密货币报价,对贸易平台实行豁免。 The proposed rules include stricter admissions and disclosures, market abuse measures, and a ban on public cryptocurrency offers, with exemptions for trading platforms. 《公平竞争法》寻求行业到2025年3月14日的反馈,以便在监管明确与技术成长之间取得平衡,同时承认该部门的内在风险和目前消费者投诉增加的情况。 The FCA seeks industry feedback by March 14, 2025, to balance regulatory clarity with technological growth, while acknowledging the sector's inherent risks and the current rise in consumer complaints.