特警队突袭了威斯康星州的一所住宅,该住宅与 Abundant Life School 枪击案嫌疑人有关,造成 3 人死亡。 SWAT teams raided a Wisconsin home linked to the Abundant Life School shooting suspect, where three died.
一支特警队和联邦探员突袭了威斯康星州麦迪逊的一家住宅,这家住宅与阿布丹特生活学校发生学校枪击案的嫌疑人有关,其中三人死亡,六人受伤。 A SWAT team and federal agents raided a Madison, Wisconsin, home linked to the suspect of a school shooting at Abundant Life School, where three people died and six were injured. 该官邸离学校约8英里,被用战术车辆和破坏设备搜查。 The residence, about eight miles from the school, was searched using tactical vehicles and breaching equipment. 目击者在行动中报告了响亮的声音。 Witnesses reported loud noises during the operation. 嫌疑人的父母正在配合调查。 The suspect's parents were cooperating with the investigation.