韩国调查员突袭总统官邸 调查戒严令声明 South Korean investigators raid presidential compound to probe martial law declaration.
韩国调查人员突袭了总统安全部门的办公室,目的是没收电话记录和其他与今年早些时候宣布戒严令有关的材料。 South Korean investigators raided the presidential security service's office, aiming to seize phone call records and other materials related to the declaration of martial law earlier this year. 这次袭击以总统官邸为目标,是对被弹劾的尹淑烈总统的行为正在进行的调查的一部分。 The raid, which targeted the presidential compound, is part of the ongoing investigation into the actions of the impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol. 有关调查结果的进一步详情尚未确定。 Further details on the investigation's findings are pending.