Indore的抗争者声称政府考试中的「正常化」程序不公平, Protesters in Indore claim a "normalisation" process in a government exam is unfair, scoring a candidate 101.66/100.
印度印多尔(Indore)的求职者因「正常化」过程在政府考试中得分101.66分后提出抗议。 Job seekers in Indore, India, protested after a candidate scored 101.66 out of 100 in a government exam due to a "normalisation" process. 该过程会调整分数以平衡不同考试版本的难度,但抗议者声称这是不公平和欺诈的,要求进行公平调查。 The process adjusts scores to equalize difficulty across different exam versions, but protesters claim it's unfair and fraudulent, demanding a fair inquiry. 他们担心这会危及征聘考试的完整性,并警告如果不解决他们的关切,将采取进一步行动。 They fear this could jeopardize the recruitment exam's integrity and have warned of further action if their concerns are not addressed.