随着与 Immunova 就其 iOx Therapeutics 子公司达成的潜在交易取得进展,Portage Biotech 的股价上涨了两倍。 Portage Biotech's stock triples as potential deal with Immunova for its iOx Therapeutics subsidiary advances.
Portage Biotech 的股价飙升 200% 至 9.14 美元,此前该公司可能与 Immunova LLC 就收购 Portage 的子公司 iOx Therapeutics 达成协议。 Portage Biotech's stock surged 200% to $9.14 amid a potential deal with Immunova LLC for the acquisition of Portage's subsidiary, iOx Therapeutics. 《意向书》就Immunova获得iOx问题开展了谈判,iOx专门从事发展亲脂性iNKT实验家,包括其主要候选者PORT-2,在癌症治疗的第二阶段试验中表现出了希望。 The Letter of Intent sets up negotiations for Immunova to acquire iOx, which specializes in developing liposomal iNKT agonists, including its lead candidate, PORT-2, showing promise in phase 2 trials for cancer treatments. 这项交易有待进一步谈判和批准。 The deal is subject to further negotiations and approvals.