PG&E可能获得多达150亿美元的联邦贷款,以更新其电网和扩大清洁能源。 PG&E may get up to $15 billion in federal loans to modernize its grid and expand clean energy.
加利福尼亚的太平洋天然气和电力公司(PG&E)可能获得多达150亿美元的联邦贷款,以更新其电网,扩大清洁能源基础设施。 California's Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) may receive up to $15 billion in federal loans to modernize its power grid and expand clean energy infrastructure. 通过美国能源部能源基础设施再投资计划, 贷款将支持扩大水力发电与电池储存、升级输电及建立虚拟电厂等项目。 The loan, through the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment program, will support projects like expanding hydropower and battery storage, upgrading transmission, and enabling virtual power plants. PG & E估计,这可以节省客户多达10亿美元的费用。 PG&E estimates this could save customers up to $1 billion in costs. 塞拉俱乐部支持这一举动,并注意到包括稳定率和减少排放量在内的好处。 The Sierra Club supports the move, noting benefits including stable rates and reduced emissions. 希望这笔贷款能在拜登总统卸任前完成。 The loan is hoped to be finalized before President Biden leaves office.