尼日利亚参议院通过一项法案, 旨在禁止外币用于国内交易以提升奈拉。 Nigeria's Senate passed a bill aiming to ban foreign currencies for domestic transactions to boost the Naira.
尼日利亚参议院一读通过了一项法案,禁止在国内交易中使用美元和英磅等外币。 A bill passed its first reading in Nigeria's Senate to ban the use of foreign currencies like US dollars and British pounds for domestic transactions. 该法案由参议员Ned Nwoko赞助,旨在使奈拉成为尼日利亚境内所有付款和交易的唯一法定货币。 Sponsored by Senator Ned Nwoko, the bill aims to make the Naira the sole legal tender for all payments and transactions within Nigeria. 此举旨在加强奈拉的价值,促进经济稳定,尽管批评者质疑其可行性。 This move seeks to strengthen the Naira's value and promote economic stability, though critics question its feasibility.