新西兰考虑赔偿石油和天然气公司,冒气候目标和人权法的风险。 New Zealand considers compensating oil and gas firms, risking climate goals and human rights laws.
新西兰政府正在考虑允许纳税人赔偿公司未能成功进行岸外石油和天然气勘探,这可能与其逐步取消化石燃料奖励措施的国际承诺及其促进清洁能源的气候战略相冲突。 New Zealand's government is considering allowing taxpayers to compensate corporations for unsuccessful offshore oil and gas exploration, which could conflict with its international commitments to phase out fossil fuel incentives and its climate strategy to promote clean energy. 这一提议还可能违反人权法。 This proposal may also violate human rights laws. 气候变化委员会提出了更为雄心勃勃的“净负负”排放目标,强调需要增加可再生能源投资,而不是进行新的矿物燃料勘探。 The Climate Change Commission advises a more ambitious "net negative" emissions target, emphasizing the need for more renewable energy investment over new fossil fuel exploration.