新医学剧《医生》首映于12月27日 JioCinema, 以一名医生为中心, New medical drama "Doctors" premieres December 27 on JioCinema, centering on a doctor seeking revenge on her mentor.
12月27日开始在JioCinema上传来的新医学剧系列《医生》, 明星Sharad Kelkar和Harleen Sethi。 "Doctors," a new medical drama series streaming on JioCinema starting December 27, stars Sharad Kelkar and Harleen Sethi. 这一系列事件紧随塞西的Nitiya Vasu博士之后,她向她的导师Ishaan Ahuja博士寻求报复,Kelkar在一家有声望的医院里描绘了她的导师Ishaan Ahuja博士的描述。 The series follows Dr. Nitiya Vasu, played by Sethi, as she seeks revenge on her mentor Dr. Ishaan Ahuja, portrayed by Kelkar, in a prestigious hospital. 该节目探讨了复仇、复原力和人际关系的主题,演员阵容包括 Aamir Ali、Viraf Patell 和 Vivaan Shah。 The show explores themes of revenge, resilience, and relationships, with an ensemble cast including Aamir Ali, Viraf Patell, and Vivaan Shah.