新泽西州审议关于将未成年赌博重新归类为民事罪行并处以罚款的法案。 New Jersey considers bill to reclassify underage gambling as a civil offense with fines.
新泽西州立法者正在考虑一项法案,将未成年赌博从刑事犯罪改为民事犯罪,对重复犯罪处以500至2 000美元的罚款。 New Jersey lawmakers are considering a bill that would change underage gambling from a criminal offense to a civil one, with fines ranging from $500 to $2,000 for repeated offenses. 罚款将资助强制性赌博的预防、教育和治疗方案。 The fines would fund prevention, education, and treatment programs for compulsive gambling. 新泽西强制赌博理事会有条件地支持该法案,该法案已经通过一个议会委员会,正在等待议会正式表决,然后提交州民主州长菲尔·墨菲。 The bill, conditionally supported by the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey, has passed an Assembly committee and is awaiting a full Assembly vote before moving to the state's Democratic governor, Phil Murphy. 委员会建议增加一项对问题赌博教育的要求。 The council recommends adding a requirement for education about problem gambling.