中国乌鲁木齐与白俄罗斯明斯克之间启动了新的航空航线,以促进贸易和技术联系。 New air route between Urumqi, China, and Minsk, Belarus, launched to boost trade and technology ties.
12月17日由Belavia运营的一条连接中国乌鲁木齐和白俄罗斯明斯克的新航线。 A new air route connecting Urumqi, China, and Minsk, Belarus, launched on December 17, operated by Belavia. 这条波音737-800航线旨在加强中国西部与东欧之间的联系, 支持贸易和技术等领域. This Boeing 737-800 route aims to enhance links between western China and Eastern Europe, supporting areas like trade and technology. 乌鲁木齐国际机场现在提供21条国际航线,第一次航班的座位占用率超过75%,载运3吨货物。 Urumqi International Airport now offers 21 international routes, and the first flight had over 75% seat occupancy, carrying 3 tonnes of cargo. 这条路线被认为对两国都有利,计划在明年扩大。 The route is seen as beneficial for both countries, with plans to expand next year.