由于对主角外表的强烈反对,Naughty Dog 禁用了对新预告片的评论。 Naughty Dog disables comments on new trailer due to backlash over main character's appearance.
由于有负面反,Naughty Dog 已在他们的"星际:异端先知"预告片上禁用评论,尤其是关于主角Jordan A. Mun的外表,由Tati Gabrielle扮演. Naughty Dog has disabled comments on their Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet trailer due to negative feedback, especially regarding the appearance of the main character, Jordan A. Mun, played by Tati Gabrielle. 争议与「我们最后的第二部分」有关。 The controversy follows backlash related to "The Last of Us Part II." 尽管遭到批评, 许多球迷仍期待2027年的比赛潜在释放, 尽管淘气狗还没有证实任何细节。 Despite the criticism, many fans are looking forward to the game's potential 2027 release, though Naughty Dog has not confirmed any details.