Milwaukee Brewers 的慈善机构筹集了超过 $4.5M,支持威斯康星州的 200+ 非营利组织。 Milwaukee Brewers' charity raises over $4.5M, supporting 200+ nonprofits in Wisconsin.
Brewers社区基金会(BCF)是Milwaukee Brewers的慈善机构,在2024年筹集了450多万美元,为威斯康辛州200多个非营利组织提供了支助。 The Brewers Community Foundation (BCF), the charity of the Milwaukee Brewers, raised over $4.5 million in 2024, supporting over 200 nonprofits in Wisconsin. 这包括从他们50/50的彩礼中拿出创纪录的300万美元,以及运动员、工作人员和教练的捐赠和志愿努力。 This includes a record-breaking $3 million from their 50/50 raffle, as well as donations and volunteer efforts from players, staff, and coaches. 自2010年以来,BCF为社区的卫生、教育、娱乐和基本需求筹集了6 000多万美元。 Since 2010, BCF has raised over $60 million for health, education, recreation, and basic needs in the community.