Meta在剑桥分析公司与澳大利亚达成和解, 向大约311,000个脸书用户支付5000万美元。 Meta settles with Australia over Cambridge Analytica, paying $50M to about 311,000 Facebook users.
Meta同意与澳大利亚的隐私监管者就剑桥Analytica丑闻达成5000万美元的和解, Meta has agreed to a $50 million settlement with Australia's privacy regulator over the Cambridge Analytica scandal, affecting around 311,000 Facebook users. 这一解决方案是澳大利亚最大的隐私问题解决方案,涉及2013年11月至2015年12月之间有账户的用户使用“这是你的数字生活”应用程序的付款计划,或与有账户的人有朋友的付款计划。 The settlement, the largest in Australia for privacy concerns, involves a payment scheme for users who had accounts between November 2013 and December 2015, used the "This Is Your Digital Life" app, or were friends with someone who did. 将在2025年第二季度提供付款,遭受具体损失或损害的人的付款数额会更高。 Payments will be available in the second quarter of 2025, with higher amounts for those who suffered specific losses or damages.