物流回复的云层平台LEA回复通过了AWS安全审查,提高了其供应链解决方案的可信度。 Logistics Reply's cloud platform, LEA Reply, passes AWS security review, boosting its credibility for supply chain solutions.
后勤回复的云平台LEA回复已经通过了AWS基础技术审查,确认该平台符合亚马逊网络服务公司的安全和可靠性标准。 Logistics Reply's cloud platform, LEA Reply, has passed the AWS Foundational Technical Review, confirming it meets Amazon Web Services' standards for security and reliability. 这一认证提高了平台在提供先进的物流和供应链解决方案方面的公信力,确保企业能够受益于安全、可扩展和有效的工具。 This certification boosts the platform's credibility for providing advanced logistics and supply chain solutions, ensuring businesses can benefit from secure, scalable, and efficient tools. 验证突出了LEA 答复机构在处理现代供应链挑战方面致力于创新和卓越运作的承诺。 The validation highlights LEA Reply's commitment to innovation and operational excellence in handling modern supply chain challenges.