今晚在NBC上播出的 "小大城镇"的圣诞节 在Opry举行 今晚的NBC节目 主角是这个团体和特邀嘉宾 来庆祝节日 Little Big Town's Christmas at the Opry, airing tonight on NBC, features the group and special guests performing holiday hits.
Little Big Town 的 Christmas at the Opry 将于美国东部时间 12 月 16 日晚上 8 点至 10 点在 NBC 播出,这是一部节日特别节目,由乡村乐队和表演嘉宾如 Dan + Shay、Kelsea Ballerini、Sheryl Crow 和 Josh Groban 主演。 Little Big Town's Christmas at the Opry, airing December 16th on NBC from 8-10 PM ET, is a holiday special featuring the country group and guest performers like Dan + Shay, Kelsea Ballerini, Sheryl Crow, and Josh Groban. Nashville Grand Ole Ole Opry House的两小时活动将展示小大城新专辑《圣诞记录》的节日经典和歌曲, The two-hour event at Nashville's Grand Ole Opry House will showcase holiday classics and songs from Little Big Town's new album, "The Christmas Record," with a live audience. 接下来一天,它将在"孔雀"上播放. It will stream the next day on Peacock.