肯尼亚为公立学校招聘了8 707名教师,申请截止日期为2025年1月13日。 Kenya recruits 8,707 teachers for public schools, with applications due January 13, 2025.
肯尼亚教师服务委员会(TSC)正在招聘8 707名教师担任2025学年公立学校的常任职位。 The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya is recruiting 8,707 teachers for permanent positions in public schools for the 2025 academic year. 多数职位是小学5 862个,中学2 824个。 Most positions, 5,862, are for primary schools, while 2,824 are for secondary schools. 申请人需要一份P1级的初级角色证书或二级角色教育文凭。 Applicants need a P1 certificate for primary roles or a diploma in education for secondary roles. 申请期限为2025年1月13日,通过TSC的官方网站. Applications are due by January 13, 2025, via the TSC's official website.