卡纳塔克议会通过法案,使CM,而不是州长,成为当地大学的校长。 Karnataka assembly passes bill making CM, not Governor, Chancellor of a local university.
卡纳塔卡州议会通过了一项法案,以首席部长取代总督,由首席部长担任农村发展总理和Panchayat Raj大学校长。 The Karnataka State Assembly passed a bill replacing the Governor with the Chief Minister as the Chancellor of the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University. 国会议员支持该法案,认为该法案将加强大学行政管理,而英国人民党和JD(S)成员则反对该法案,声称这将在邦政府和总督之间制造差距。 Congress members supported the bill, arguing it would enhance university administration, while BJP and JD(S) members opposed it, claiming it would create a gap between the state government and the Governor. 反对派举行罢工抗议。 The opposition staged a walkout in protest.