陪审团宣布San Francisco对Nima Momeni的审判判决 Nima Momeni, 被控杀害现金 App创始人Bob Lee。 Jury to announce verdict in San Francisco trial of Nima Momeni, accused of killing Cash App founder Bob Lee.
San Francisco陪审团在对Nima Momeni的审判中做出判决, 他被控在4月刺杀Cash App创始人Bob Lee致死。 A San Francisco jury has reached a verdict in the trial of Nima Momeni, accused of stabbing Cash App founder Bob Lee to death in April. 判决将于星期二上午9时30分宣布。 The verdict will be announced on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. 本案涉及自相矛盾的指控,检方辩称,Momeni是过去一起事件针对Lee的,辩方称,Lee先攻击Momeni。 The case involves conflicting claims, with the prosecution arguing that Momeni targeted Lee over a past incident, and the defense stating that Lee attacked Momeni first. 陪审团在作出决定前进行了7天的审议。 The jury deliberated for seven days before reaching a decision.