Joshua Jackson被判8年徒刑,罪名是他母亲未婚夫死亡时自愿杀人。 Joshua Jackson sentenced to 8 years for voluntary manslaughter in his mother's fiancé's death.
Joshua D. Jackson,33岁,圣路易斯州,因自愿过失杀人被判处8年徒刑,其母亲的未婚夫Jeffrey Cook, 66岁,死于2022年1月的一次争吵中。 Joshua D. Jackson, 33, of St. Louis, was sentenced to eight years in prison for voluntary manslaughter in the death of his mother's fiancé, Jeffrey Cook, 66, who was killed during an argument in January 2022. 杰克逊面临一级谋杀指控,但认罪,导致检察官减少指控,并撤除另外四起重罪,作为认罪求情协议的一部分。 Jackson faced first-degree murder charges but entered a guilty plea, leading prosecutors to reduce the charge and dismiss four other felonies as part of a plea agreement.