第一夫人吉尔·拜登在北弗吉尼亚州社区学院教了15年之后退休了。 Jill Biden, the First Lady, retired from teaching after a 15-year stint at Northern Virginia Community College.
第一夫人吉尔·拜登在北弗吉尼亚社区学院上完最后一堂课后退休,在该学院任期15年。 Jill Biden, the First Lady, has retired from teaching her final class at Northern Virginia Community College, ending a 15-year tenure there. 她是第一位在白宫外保持职业生涯的第一夫人。 She is the first First Lady to maintain a professional career outside the White House. 拜登教了40多年,于1976年开始其职业生涯,甚至在她的丈夫Joe Biden于2009年担任副总统之后,她仍继续教学。 Biden, who has taught for over 40 years, started her career in 1976 and continued teaching even after her husband Joe Biden became Vice President in 2009. 目前尚不清楚她将来是否会继续教学。 It is unclear if she will continue teaching in the future.