印地安那州新任总督迈克·布劳恩揭幕了更小、更精简的八人内阁。 Indiana's new Governor, Mike Braun, unveils smaller, streamlined 8-member cabinet.
与政府相比, 印第安纳州即将上任的总督迈克·布劳恩已宣布他的内阁由八名成员组成, Indiana's incoming Governor, Mike Braun, has announced his cabinet, which includes eight members, compared to Gov. Eric Holcomb是24岁 Eric Holcomb's 24. Braun的团队旨在精简行政部门,提高透明度和加强问责制。 Braun's team aims to streamline the executive branch and enhance transparency and accountability. 两名内阁成员也将担任机构负责人。 Two cabinet members will also serve as agency heads. Braun计划与州立法机构密切合作,并定期访问所有92个县。 Braun plans to work closely with the state legislature and regularly visit all 92 counties.