印度更新投资顾问条例,放松进入壁垒,加强数据安全。 India updates investment adviser regulations, easing entry barriers and boosting data security.
印度证券交易委员会(SEBI)更新了投资顾问和研究分析员条例,以简化登记和遵守情况。 Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has updated regulations for investment advisers and research analysts to simplify registration and compliance. 变化包括将教育要求降低到研究生学位,用存款授权取代净值标准,以及引入非全时顾问类别。 Changes include reducing educational requirements to a graduate degree, replacing net-worth criteria with deposit mandates, and introducing part-time advisor categories. 顾问现在必须披露AI工具使用情况,并维持客户数据安全。 Advisors must now disclose AI tool usage and maintain client data security. 这些变化旨在吸引更多的专业人员进入投资咨询部门,目前只有995名注册顾问。 These changes aim to attract more professionals to the investment advisory sector, currently with only 995 registered advisors.