印度在2024年增加了15个全球可再生能源发电能力,目标是到2030年实现500个全球可再生能源发电能力。 India added 15 GW of renewable energy capacity in 2024, aiming for 500 GW by 2030.
印度新能源和可再生能源部长Prahlad Joshi宣布,在2024年4月至11月期间,印度增加了15千兆瓦的可再生能源能力,比前一年的7.54千兆瓦增加了近一倍。 India's Minister of New and Renewable Energy, Prahlad Joshi, has announced that the country added 15 GW of renewable energy capacity between April and November 2024, nearly doubling the previous year's 7.54 GW. 印度现在的总装机容量为214千兆瓦,目标是到2030年达到500千兆瓦。 India's total installed capacity now stands at 214 GW, with a target of 500 GW by 2030. Joshi强调政府愿意与该行业合作,以克服挑战,实现这项雄心勃勃的目标。 Joshi emphasized the government's readiness to collaborate with the industry to overcome challenges and achieve this ambitious goal. 部长还强调,Muft Bijli Yojna在五个月内已建成6.3个以上设施。 The Minister also highlighted that the Muft Bijli Yojna has achieved over 6.3 lakh installations within five months.