HCA 卫生保健拨款50 000美元,用于扩大弗吉尼亚社区学院的医疗保健教育。 HCA Healthcare grants $50,000 to expand healthcare education in Virginia's community colleges.
美国医疗保健局已拨款5万美元, 扩大弗吉尼亚社区学院的医疗保健教育, HCA Healthcare has granted $50,000 to expand healthcare education across Virginia's community colleges, starting with Virginia Western Community College. 该倡议旨在提高保健职业的多样性,支持长期经济增长。 The initiative aims to boost diversity in healthcare careers and support long-term economic growth. 在Virginia Western提供这项赠款,来自HCA和Virginia社区学院教育基金会的主要官员出席了会议。 The grant was presented at Virginia Western, with key officials from HCA and the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education in attendance.